


英語にならない日本語(Japanese that can't be turned into English)
  1. 象は鼻が長い。 ("Elephants have long noses"? But the subject is the nose. "A nose of an elephant is long"? No, that's 象の鼻は長い, with a different nuance. )
  2. よろしくお願いします。 ("Thanks in advance" is a good guess. But no, Japanese aren't that greedy to ask something in advance.)
  3. 懐かしい!("It makes me remind of..." well, do the Japanese refer to something particular in the past when saying this?)
  4. お疲れ様です。 ("It must have been lots of work for you." No, not at all, probably!)
  5. つまらないものですが、受け取ってください。 ("Please receive this un-interesting thing." Well... why should I if it's not interesting?)
  6. 切ない (So, what's this feeling called in English? Sad? Painful? Trying? Lonely?)
Tell me if you find the correct English for these, relatively well used phrases in Japanese.

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

懐かしいはI feel nostalgia for・・・はどうでしょうか??

金森 俊揮 さんのコメント...
